Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Charlie Rose

I might repost this when we have more options.

This is a charlie Rose interview with Jeanne Tripplehorn, Lili Taylor, and Amy Irving from a production of Three Sisters at the Roundabout Theatre in 1997. They talked a little about the play and how there is never an end to a Chekov character. The work is never done there are always more and more layers to delve into and explore. They also spend a little while discussing film versus theatre. It's so cool to hear people who have done a lot of film say that theatre is where it's at. The roles are so much better. Film is so much about money and budget that they won't take risks that the theatre will. Maybe that is the difference in the videos we watched today. Maybe the russians could afford to take more risks in their character development and film style. I don't know. It seems important to have an appreciation of the play that we are working on, because we might not have another chance to work on Chekov in our lifetimes. Kinda Morbid. I guess the trap is to treat it like some precious flower that shouldn't be tampered with. But it would be much more fun to really grab a hold of it and live it.

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