Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Stark trasnlations

I am using a translation done by Stark Young (Copyright 1956). He writes an incredibly interesting introduction to the text where he mentions Stanislavsky's thoughts about the first Chekhov play he produced (The Sea Gull):

"With half a dozen translations of Chekhov's plays available , plus the dictionary, we could hardly say that most of the bare meanings are not close enough to hand. A great part of the mischance that has fallen to Chekhov's lines has nor, however, been a matter of mere vocabulary. The vocabulary could hardly be simpler than it is in Chekhov. In fact, the directors of the theatre where his plays were to be given wondered 'what to do about uttering the simplest of phrases simply.' And Stanislavsky has told us in writing that when he came to producing 'The Sea Gull', he did not not know any way to proceed; he found the words too simple. This was in 1896. Of all the dramatists Chekhov least deserves the muddle of all the various styles that have been foisted on him in English - the involved, for instance, or the elevated, or the psychological-gloomy, or the turgid-soulful, or the flat, or the lacking in lyricism or wit."

- Corey

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